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Create an AoC Assembly Computer


  increment = 1,
  regex = "[\\w\\d\\-]+"



A named list of registers.


A named list of functions. Registers can be referred to with self[[register_name]]. Functions usually take a register and value as arguments, but do not always. Registers can be referenced by name with self$register_name, or by variable with self[[var]].


(Default: 1) The number of places to increment by default. Incrementing is performed automatically so if a particular instruction says to increment by more than one, then include that operation in the function, but subtract one to account for the default incrementation.


(Default: "[\\w\\d\\-]+") The pattern to use for stringr::str_match_all. Capture groups should not be used, instead the | (or) operator should be used. For example, if you want to parse an arbitrary instruction then a number, you would use [A-z]+|[0-9]+.


A new assembly R6 object with registers and functions as the fields and methods, respectively. Along with the functions detailed in the details section.


try_numeric(x) : Takes input and tries to cast it as numeric. If that fails, it returns the original object.

val_or_index(x) : If x is numeric, return x, otherwise return self[[x]].

jump(x, y) : A shortcut for a common jump scheme. Can be called with "jump_fun" = \(x, y) { self$jump(x, y) }.

call(f, x, y) : Calls one of functions using x and y as arguments. There are two ways the function can be used:

  • f is not length one and x and y are null, then f[1](f[2], f[3])

  • f is length one, and x and y are not null, then f(x, y)

run(x, target, until, pattern) : Tries to run the instructions provided by x. If x is a character vector, it will try to split the instructions into a segments for call(f, x, y).

  • x: A character vector of instructions as c("f x y") or a list of character vectors in the format list(c("f", "x", "y"))

  • target: (Default: NULL) The register to print as the final result. If NULL, self will be printed.

  • pattern: See the regex argument for more details.

.inc(increment) : A private function used to increment self$index by increment.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
registers <- list("a" = 1, "b" = 2)
functions <- list(
  "sum" = \(x, y) { self[[x]] <- sum(self[[x]], y) },
  "prod" = get_premade("multiply")
a <- create_assembly2(registers, get_premade(c("add", "prod" = "multiply")))
a$run(c("add a 4", "prod b 4"), target = 'a')
} # }